WWT Web Examples
This site hosts examples of how to use the various Web toolkits provided by the AAS WorldWide Telescope, a free, open-source tool for visually exploring humanity’s scientific understanding of the Universe.
The examples are hosted on a separate, somewhat-funky domain because the core WWT web services are currently not HTTPS-enabled, which means that any examples that use the web services must be accessible via plain HTTP without encryption. GitHub Pages forces you to use SSL unless you activate a custom domain, so that’s what we’ve done. Rest assured that we are working on getting HTTPS going to remove this limitation.
Get Involved
Your contributions, especially additional examples, are more than welcome! Please see the WWT Contributors’ Guide and WWT Code of Conduct for general guidelines about project participation. Both of these documents, and more information, may be found at the WWT Contributor Hub.
The source code to this website is stored in the wwt-web-examples repository on GitHub.