
WebGL Engine Examples

Here’s a curated collection of examples of how to use the WWT WebGL Engine in your own web projects.

Note: Due to limitations in our web infrastructure, these examples will only work if you access them through unencrypted HTTP, not secure HTTPS. Please ensure that you are not visiting this site over an HTTPS channel.

The above limitation is also why these examples are stored independently from the main WebGL Engine Reference manual. We hope to integrate the reference manual and our library of examples more tightly in the future.

Your contributions are more than welcome! If you’d like to add an example, please submit a pull request against the wwt-web-examples repository with your addition.

Table of contents

  1. Targeted Examples
    1. Simple Viewer
    2. Poly Annotations Demo
    3. “Arrived” Event Demo
    4. “Click” Event Demo
    5. FOV Control
    6. Local View Perspective
    7. Load Additional Imagery
    8. Load Tours
    9. City Explorer
    10. Tour Mars
    11. Planetary Surface Explorer 1
    12. Planetary Surface Explorer 2
    13. Messier Object Tour
  2. Examples on the Main Website
  3. WebGL Engine in the Wild
    1. The WWT Webclient
    2. pywwt
    3. Chandra Source Catalog 2.0
    4. “What is Chandra Doing Now?”
    5. GLIMPSE360 Viewer
    6. ADS All Sky Survey
    7. Interactive Planck Data Viewer
    8. Milky Way 3D
    9. Sky Banana Party!

Targeted Examples

Simple Viewer

A minimal example showing how to embed the WWT engine in a webpage.

By: Phil Rosenfield.

Poly Annotations Demo

Shows how to create some basic geometric annotations.

By: Phil Rosenfield.

“Arrived” Event Demo

Shows how to make something happen when the view arrives at a destination.

By: Phil Rosenfield.

“Click” Event Demo

Shows how to make something happen when the user clicks on the screen.

By: Phil Rosenfield.

FOV Control

Shows how to control the field-of-view (FOV) size. NOTE: known bug, see

By: Phil Rosenfield.

Local View Perspective

Shows how to match the sky view to that from a given location on Earth.

By: Phil Rosenfield.

Load Additional Imagery

Shows how to load and show additional imagery in the viewer. NOTE: temporarily broken, see

By: Phil Rosenfield.

Load Tours

Shows how to load, show, and control tours in the viewer.

By: Phil Rosenfield.

City Explorer

An example in which you can command the view to show various cities.

By: Phil Rosenfield.

Tour Mars

An example in which you can command the view to tour various features on Mars. NOTE: known bug,

By: Phil Rosenfield.

Planetary Surface Explorer 1

Explore landmarks on the surfaces of the Earth, the Moon, and Mars.

By: Phil Rosenfield.

Planetary Surface Explorer 2

Explore landmarks on the surfaces of additional celestial bodies.

By: Phil Rosenfield.

Messier Object Tour

Tour the objects in the famous Messier Catalog.

By: Phil Rosenfield.

Examples on the Main Website

There are a few additional examples integrated into the main WWT website:

WebGL Engine in the Wild

Here are some folks that use the WebGL engine out “in the wild”! Not all of these have source code on GitHub, but since it’s the web, you can always open up these pages in “View Source” or your browser’s Developer Tools and start exploring …

Are you using the WebGL engine in a project of your own? We would love to hear from you! Please file a pull request to add your project to this list.

The WWT Webclient

Of course, the WWT webclient is powered by the WebGL engine! The source code to the frontend is mixed between the wwt-web-client and wwt-website repositories.


Another official WWT project, the pywwt Python module allows you to embed the WWT WebGL engine in Jupyter notebooks and JupyterLab environments, allowing researchers to seamlessly visualize spatial astronomical data in context. Source code lives in the pywwt repository.

Chandra Source Catalog 2.0

Version 2.0 of the Chandra Source Catalog includes a WWT-powered interactive visualizer of its survey data.

“What is Chandra Doing Now?”

What is Chandra Doing Now? is a real-time dashboard of the Chandra space telescope’s activities. The “Interactive” view is powered by WWT. Its source code is in the doug_burke/chandraobs repository on BitBucket.

GLIMPSE360 Viewer

The GLIMPSE360 project is an infrared panorama of the Milky Way made with the Spitzer space telescope. You can explore the full dataset in their interactive explorer.

ADS All Sky Survey

The ADS All Sky Survey maps papers from the astronomical literature onto the sky. The ADSASS WWT viewer makes it possible to explore and filter this dataset.

Interactive Planck Data Viewer

The Planck satellite observed the whole sky in a suite of microwave bands. You can explore the data using — you guessed it — an interactive viewer powered by the WWT WebGL engine.

Milky Way 3D

“ is a tool intended to organize and curate links to information about data sets relevant to our 3D understanding of the Milky Way.” The main page features a WWT-powered data exploration interface.

Sky Banana Party!

An small (and unfinished) web app project aiming to show the localizations of gravitational-wave events from LIGO and VIRGO immersively. View the current status at Source code in the sky-banana-party repository.